Animals & people
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Animals and People 1
I saw somewhere a tattoo similar to this image. It completely captured me as it blended my love of feathers with the grace and beauty of horses. The vision of horses, either in real like for somehow reproduced will always grab my interest. Like a few other prints herein, this one will not be offered for sale.
Animals and People 3
“Fire and Ice” a championship Arabian who like Smarty Jones caught my attention and inspired me to create this portrait. It happens that sometime after I did this drawing, we discovered quite by chance that Fire and Ice was in the bloodlines of several Arabian Paints owned by my friend Diana. Quite a coincidence.
Animals and People 6
“Gall” was a Hunkpapa Lakota War Chief who served along with the more famous Sitting Bull at the Battle of the Little Big Horn against the forces of General George A Custer. By most modern accounts Gall deserves at least as much, and perhaps more credit than Sitting Bull in the defeat of the forces of General Custer. Both chiefs later fled into Canada. Gall had disagreements with Sitting Bull, returned to the US, surrendered and lived the rest of his life on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. While on the reservation he took the name “Abraham”. This drawing is simply a pen and ink representation of a historical portrait. He is a striking, proud and rather intimidating man as seen here.
Animals and People 8
“Parker” was a Gordon Setter who belonged to my friend Steve. When Steve moved to Tennessee, near Nashville, he found the quail hunting on area farms to be quite productive. He studied up on the best bird dogs and decided Gordons were a good fit for him. He got Parker as a pup, trained him well and enjoyed many hours in his company over the following years. I enjoyed a few trips hunting behind Parker, but without Steve around “this dog don’t hunt”. If Steve stopped, Parker stopped.
Animals and People 2
Smarty Jones was the 2004 Kentucky Derby winner and came within one spot of becoming a triple crown winner. I was smitten with some of his many photos and drew this “portrait” of him simply because I thought him a beautiful creature.
Animals and People 4
Pepper, bless her little heart was the cherished pet of my youngest daughter Melissa. “Pep” came to be loved by the entire family. She was with us for a number of years and left all of us with good memories. I am not offering this print for sale.
Animals and People 5
“Two Boys Fishin’?” As I look into this drawing, I can see myself as a youngster through either one of these kids. Goin’ fishing with Dad was always a source of excitement, but growing bored with the actual fishing part usually led to some other way to pass the time: skipping rocks, playing with an old stick, sneaking my feet into the cool water ….. having fun …. killing time. Memory is a great place to store things.
Animals and People 7
W. L. Setser of Frankln, NC was my wife’s grandfather and was the unquestioned patriarch of the Setser family. A simple man of simple means, he worked on logging crews, managed a family farm, and as he grew older ran a simple country store and gas station along the “Murphy Road”. As a young man, he was reputed to be the only man in Macon County who could manage a 10 mule wagon team. He was q quiet fellow who deserved one’s attention when he had something to say. He paid his bills, minded his own business, honored his family, and could serve as an example for most of us to live our lives. Seen here he was loaded with bags of corn to feed his cattle.
Animals and People 9
“Danny’s Buck”. This “portrait” of a handsome mule deer is based on a mount that hangs in the living room of a good friend Danny Moore who lives in West Virginia. Several of us often visited Danny’s during our hunting trips to West Virginia and would spend many hours in his home, swapping lies, watching football, recapping our days and admiring this handsome fellow who constantly stood watch over us. There are lots of special memories that come to mind whenever I look at “Danny’s Buck”.